Ressourcen (Civ4 FFH): Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 67: Zeile 67:
* [[Zucker (Civ4 FFH)|Zucker]]
* [[Zucker (Civ4 FFH)|Zucker]]
'''''Description :'''''
'''''Beschreibung :'''''
* '''Technology :''' Technology required to build the improvement
* '''Technology :''' Technology required to build the improvement
* '''Pillage:''' Average amount of gold the pillage of the improvement yields.
* '''Pillage:''' Average amount of gold the pillage of the improvement yields.
Zeile 79: Zeile 79:
'''''List of improvements :'''''
'''''Liste der Verbesserungen :'''''
* [[FfH Air Node (Improvement)|Air Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Luftmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Luftmagie]]
* [[FfH Ancient Temple (Improvement)|Ancient Temple]]
* [[Uralte Tempelruinen (Civ4 FFH)|Uralte Tempelruinen]]
* [[FfH Barrow (Improvement)|Barrow]]
* [[Grabhügel (Civ4 FFH)|Civ4 FFH]]
* [[FfH Body Node (Improvement)|Body Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Körpermagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Körpermagie]]
* [[FfH Bridge (Improvement)|Bridge]]
* [[Brücke (Civ4 FFH)|Brücke]]
* [[FfH Burnt Forest (Improvement)|Burnt Forest]]
* [[Verbrannter Wald (Civ4 FFH)|Verbrannter Wald]]
* [[FfH Camp (Improvement)|Camp]]
* [[Jagdlager (Civ4 FFH)|Jagdlager]]
* [[FfH Chaos Node (Improvement)|Chaos Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Chaosmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Chaosmagie]]
* [[FfH City Ruins (Improvement)|City Ruins]]
* [[Stadtruinen (Civ4 FFH)|Stadtruinen]]
* [[FfH Cottage (Improvement)|Cottage]]
* [[Hütte (Civ4 FFH)|Hütte]]
* [[FfH Death Node (Improvement)|Death Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Todesmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Todesmagie]]
* [[FfH Dimensional Node (Improvement)|Dimensional Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Dimensionsmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Dimensionsmagie]]
* [[FfH Dwarven Mine (Improvement)|Dwarven Mine]]
* [[Zwergenbinge (Civ4 FFH)|Zwergenbinge]]
* [[FfH Earth Node (Improvement)|Earth Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Erdmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Erdmagie]]
* [[FfH Elven Cottage (Improvement)|Elven Cottage]]
* [[Elfen Hütte (Civ4 FFH)|Elfen Hütte]]
* [[FfH Elven Farm (Improvement)|Elven Farm]]
* [[Elfen Farm (Civ4 FFH)|Elfen Farm]]
* [[FfH Elven Pasture (Improvement)|Elven Pasture]]
* [[Elfen Weideland (Civ4 FFH)|Elfen Weideland]]
* [[FfH Elven Plantation (Improvement)|Elven Plantation]]
* [[Elfen Plantage (Civ4 FFHt)|Elfen Plantage]]
* [[FfH Enchantment Node (Improvement)|Enchantment Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Verzauberungsmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Verzauberungsmagie]]
* [[FfH Entropy Node (Improvement)|Entropy Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Entropiemagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Entropiemagie]]
* [[FfH Farm (Improvement)|Farm]]
* [[Getreidefeld (Civ4 FFH)|Getreidefeld]]
* [[FfH Fire Node (Improvement)|Fire Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Feuermagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Feuermagie]]
* [[FfH Fishing Boats (Improvement)|Fishing Boats]]
* [[Fischerboot (Civ4 FFH)|Fischerboot]]
* [[FfH Fort (Improvement)|Fort]]
* [[Festung (Civ4 FFH)|Festung]]
* [[FfH Hamlet (Improvement)|Hamlet]]
* [[Weiler (Civ4 FFH)|Weiler]]
* [[FfH Hellfire (Improvement)|Hellfire]]
* [[Höllenfeuer (Civ4 FFH)|Höllenfeuer]]
* [[FfH Law Node (Improvement)|Law Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Ordnungsmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Ordnungsmagie]]
* [[FfH Life Node (Improvement)|Life Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Lebensmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Lebensmagie]]
* [[FfH Lumbermill (Improvement)|Lumbermill]]
* [[Sägewerk (Civ4 FFH)|Sägewerk]]
* [[FfH Mind Node (Improvement)|Mind Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Geistesmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Geistesmagie]]
* [[FfH Mine (Improvement)|Mine]]
* [[Mine (Civ4 FFH)|Mine]]
* [[FfH Nature Node (Improvement)|Nature Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Naturmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Naturmagie]]
* [[FfH Pasture (Improvement)|Pasture]]
* [[Weideland (Civ4 FFH)|Weideland]]
* [[FfH Pirate Cove (Improvement)|Pirate Cove]]
* [[Piratenbucht (Civ4 FFH)|Piratenbucht]]
* [[FfH Plantation (Improvement)|Plantation]]
* [[Plantage (Civ4 FFH)|Plantage]]
* [[FfH Quarry (Improvement)|Quarry]]
* [[Steinbruch (Civ4 FFH)|Steinbruch]]
* [[FfH Road (Improvement)|Road]]
* [[Straße (Civ4 FFH)|Straße]]
* [[FfH Ruins (Improvement)|Ruins]]
* [[Ruinen (Civ4 FFH)|Ruinen]]
* [[FfH Smoke (Improvement)|Smoke]]
* [[Rauch (Civ4 FFH)|Rauch]]
* [[FfH Snake Pillar (Improvement)|Snake Pillar]]
* [[Schlangensäule (Civ4 FFH)|Schlangensäule]]
* [[FfH Spirit Node (Improvement)|Spirit Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Seelenmagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Seelenmagie]]
* [[FfH Sentry Tower (Improvement)|Sentry Tower]]
* [[Aussichtsturm (Civ4 FFH)|Aussichtsturm]]
* [[FfH Town (Improvement)|Town]]
* [[Kleinstadt (Civ4 FFH)|Kleinstadt]]
* [[FfH Tribal Village (Improvement)|Tribal Village]]
* [[Eingeborenendorf (Civ4 FFH)|Eingeborenendorf]]
* [[FfH Village (Improvement)|Village]]
* [[Dorf (Civ4 FFH)|Dorf]]
* [[FfH Water Node (Improvement)|Water Node]]
* [[Brunnen der Wassermagie (Civ4 FFH)|Brunnen der Wassermagie]]
* [[FfH Watermill (Improvement)|Watermill]]
* [[Wassermühle (Civ4 FFH)|Wassermühle]]
* [[FfH Whaling Boats (Improvement)|Whaling Boats]]
* [[Walfangschiff (Civ4 FFH)|Walfangschiff]]
* [[FfH Windmill (Improvement)|Windmill]]
* [[Windmühle (Civ4 FFH)|Windmühle]]
* [[FfH Winery (Improvement)|Winery]]
* [[Weingut (Civ4 FFH)|Weingut]]
* [[FfH Workshop (Improvement)|Workshop]]
* [[Werkstatt (Civ4 FFH)|Werkstatt]]
==Terrain Features==
==Terrain Features==

Version vom 19. Mai 2007, 09:43 Uhr

Übersetzung in Arbeit


Description :

  • Tile: Tile where this resource can be found, and bonus to the tile production without improvement
  • Improvement : Improvement required to use the resource, and bonus to tile production when built
  • City effect : Bonus granted to cities having access to this resource
  • Technologies : Technologies required to reveal the resource (see it on the map) and enabling it (building the improvement)
  • Providing buildings : Buildings giving this resources
  • Improved buildings : Buildings granting a bonus when city have access to this resource
  • Buildings allowed : Buildings requiring this resource to be built
  • Units allowed : Units requiring this resource to be built
  • Spells allowed : Spells requiring this resource to be learn by arcane units

Liste der Ressourcen :


Beschreibung :

  • Technology : Technology required to build the improvement
  • Pillage: Average amount of gold the pillage of the improvement yields.
  • Special: Special characteristic of the improvement
  • Production: Production of the tile when the improvement is built on it, with the different upgrades
  • Terrains: Kind of base terrains and terrain features on which the improvement can be built
  • Resources: Resources which can be exploited when the improvement is built, and bonus to the tile production
  • Build units: List of units able to build the improvement

Liste der Verbesserungen :

Terrain Features

Description :

  • Tile bonus : Bonus to production of the feature's tile (without consideration for improvement or ressource)
  • Defense bonus : Bonus the units got when defending on a tile with this feature
  • Movement cost : Number of movement points used when crossing a tile with this feature
  • Base terrains : Base terrains on which this feature can be found
  • Improvements : Improvements which can be build on a tile with this feature (without consideration for ressoure)
  • Resources : Ressources which can be found on a tile with this feature

List of terrain features :

Base Terrains

Description :

  • Production : Basic production of the tile (without consideration for feature, improvement or ressource)
  • Defense bonus : Bonus the units got when defending on this tile
  • Movement cost : Number of movement points used when crossing this tile
  • Improvement speed : Modifier of improvement building speed
  • Features : Terrain features this tile can have
  • Improvements : Improvements which can be build on this tile (without consideration for feature or ressoure)
  • Resources : Ressources which can be found on this tile (without consideration for feature)

List of base terrains :