Ritter der Malakim (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH RitterMalakim.png Ritter
Berittene Einheiten
Stärke 10/8 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 3 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 161 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 240 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 360 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 480 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Schlachtrösser
Ressourcen Pferde
Gebäude Hippodrom
Fähigkeiten 35% Rückzugschance
Erhält keine Defensivboni
kann Bronzewaffen benutzen
kann Eisenwaffen benutzen
kann Mithrilwaffen benutzen
Sonstiges Nationaleinheit, nur 3 erlaubt

This unit identical to the unit it replaces, except for its graphics.


Holy warriors first, and imperial shock troops second, the Malakim's Knights can appear brusque and unconcerned in their single-mindedness, bringing the Crusader's zealotry to Varn Gosam's creed. Unlike most units devoted to the faith, Malakim Knights neither receive nor seek any divine abilities. They know full well that when heathen forces come in number, it will be their dedication that holds the line and routs the unbelievers.

Strategy Text

High strength, high movement rate, and a decent withdrawal rate combine to form a strong utility unit. There is no best use for a Knight, it's the fact that they can do many things so well that make them so valuable. A civilization can only have 3 Knights at once.