Hügelriese (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH Hügelriese.png Hügelriese
Stärke 6 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 1 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Startbeförderungen Verborgene Nationalität, Wache I
Fähigkeiten Nationalität bekennen
Erhält keine Defensivboni
Sonstiges Wird erzeugt in Hügeln und Wüste
Bombardierung: 15%

This unit is spawned like the animals units, in uncontrolled Hills and Deserts. The easiest way to gain Hill Giants is by building the Pact of the Nilhorn.


Primitive and violent, the Hill Giants are the terrors of the hinterland. They seldom if ever stray into civilised lands, but they eat careless explorers for breakfast. Literally.

Strategy Text

Giants wander the hills and desert regions. They are a terror and best avoided by all but the most powerful explorers.