Gefährten des Laubes (Civ4 FFH)

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Version vom 28. Juli 2007, 21:27 Uhr von Gabriel 21 (Diskussion) (Sprüche noch nicht fertig)

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Vorlage:FFH Religion

NB! In Bearbeitung. Gabriel 21


Tief in den Wäldern hält sich das Flüstern der Elfen. Sie sind alte Beschützer außerhalb der menschlichen Reiche. Nur wenige bewiesen genügend Loyalität und alte Werte um ihre Magie und auch Hilfe durch die berühmten Schütze des Laubes.


Die einzigartige Stärke dieser Religion besteht in Terraforming.

Fellowship divine units only have access to Nature and Life magic (as opposed to most other religions, which tend to have 2-3 unique spell spheres), but in exchange they have access to both Divine and Sorcery spells, giving their high-level units access to the same terraforming magic that Druids have (though Druids also have Summoning). This is important for non-Neutral civs, as if you're Good or Evil, you cannot build Druids. How much this matters depends very much upon terrain. Deserts can be made into plains by the lowest level of water magic, but Ice and Tundra can only be improved by Genesis (which only works once and only on currently-owned terrain), or the Vitalize spell (Nature Sorcery III), which is typically available only from Druids, Fellowship High Priests/Inquisitors, and nature-specializing Archmages.