Galleone (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH Galleone.png Galleone
Stärke 5 Civ4Power.png
Bewegung 5 Civ4Fortbewegung.png
Schnell 101 Civ4Produktion.png
Normal 150 Civ4Produktion.png
Langsam 225 Civ4Produktion.png
Episch 300 Civ4Produktion.png
Technologien Astronomie
Ressourcen Mithril
Fähigkeiten kann nicht als Zufriedenheits-Unterstützung in Städten genutzt werden
Sonstiges Frachtraum: 3
Modernisierung von Karavelle

This is a mid-game military naval unit.


By the middle of the Age of Rebirth, oar-powered vessels had all but disappeared from the world's oceans, to be replaced by sailing vessels of various types. The galleon was one such vessel. Galleons were three- or four-masted ships, built high in both the forecastle and the stern. These versatile ships were mainly used as cargo vessels, although they were sometimes outfitted as light warships as well.

Strategy Text

The Galleon is the best transport of the age of sail. It can carry 3 units, and it can safely enter ocean spaces.