Die Weisung (Civ4 FFH)

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Civ4FFH WeisungGroß.png
Die Weisung
Thema Rechtmäßiger guter Fanatismus
Gesinnung Gut
Technologie Weisung des Himmels
Führt zu Bedingungsloser Gehorsam
Gesellschaftsform Sozialer Frieden
Effekt auf Stadt + 1 Kultur
Heilige Stadt + 4 Kultur
Tempel Tempel der Weisung
Schrein Codex von Junil
Einheiten Kreuzritter
Bekenner der Weisung
Valin Phanuel
Held Erzengel Sphener
Gebäude Basilika
Zauber Sphäre
Flammenring Feuer
Feuersäule Feuer
Wiederaufbau der Stadt Ordnung
Gerechte Sache Ordnung
Heile Krankheit Leben
Heilen Leben
Guru Seele
Segen Seele


Junil, der älteste der Götter, versprach den anderen, sich dem Streit um die Anbetung der Menschen zu entziehen. Niemand weiss warum er seine Meinung änderte. Einige glauben, er wolle damit den Einfluss des Aschfahlen Schleiers eindämmen, andere behaupten, es wäre reiner Neid. Ungeachtet seiner Gründe, versprach er den Geringsten unter den Menschen Erlösung und verlangte als Gegenleistung nur eines: Bedingungslosen Gehorsam.

Staatsreligion erlaubt Zugriff auf:

Staatsreligion verbietet Zugriff auf:


The Order is the religion of choice for big, warmongering empires. A Courthouse and a Basilica will reduce city maintenance down low, while the Spirit and Fire spheres provide powerful war spells for the divine casters. Combine this with the free Acolyte / Crusader you get from spreading your religion, and the Order truly becomes a force that isn't to be messed with.

The Ring of Fire spell is available early (at Confessors, requiring Priesthood). Altho it will not damage units below 60% health, it is very useful for softening up city defenders, or even wandering barbarians. Also, RoF is half holy and half fire damage, meaning it will effect even fire immune units, at least to some extent.

Special note on the Ring of Fire spell: All jungle and forest tiles in the area of effect may start smoking, and then catch fire. This may be useful for burning Jungles. When jungles burn, they become burnt forest, which regrows as new forest, then forest. (If they catch fire when they are new forests, they disappear.) This can be a useful terraforming trick, but it doesn't hurt to have an Adept with Water 1 to put out the flames when convenient.

Also, each time the order spreads to one of your cities, you are gifted a unit depending upon what techs you have: by default, you receive an Acolyte; if you have Fanaticism, you get a Crusader instead. So if you convert your civ to the Order, you can spread it very quickly. Note that this only works if the Order is your state religion. Note also that you need the Orders from Heaven tech to switch your state religion to the Order.

As of 0.23, using a confessor to force the Order to spread to a city will remove the Ashen Veil from that city, with the obvious exception of the Ashen Veil (Un-)Holy City, which can have both religions.


Fall from Heaven II - Religionen
Die Weisung | Runen von Kilmorph | Gefährten des Laubes | Schatten der Tiefe | Der Aschfahle Schleier | Drachenkult